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Wavy Weekends

Wavy Weekends is a mock clothing brand that a friend of mine and I created for a Final Project in a Computer-Aided Design seminar we took in the Spring of 2020. The semester-end project required us to go through the entire process of designing a target focused fashion-line, minus the production. We complete processes such as creating a mood-board, making flats, assembling a cohesive collection, digitally rendering our pieces on figures, and pitching a brand ideology. All design work was created in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.


Project Elements

Moodboard - a collage of images, styles, shapes, colors, symbols, or anything else that collectively influences the aesthetic and idea of a collectionConstructed in Adobe Photoshop

Moodboard - a collage of images, styles, shapes, colors, symbols, or anything else that collectively influences the aesthetic and idea of a collection

Constructed in Adobe Photoshop

Technical Flats - digitally rendered “blueprints” built from scratch using Adobe Illustrator

Technical Flats - digitally rendered “blueprints” built from scratch using Adobe Illustrator

Storyboard - contouring and applying technical flats onto figures and creating a collection settingConstructed in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

Storyboard - contouring and applying technical flats onto figures and creating a collection setting

Constructed in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator


Digitization Proposal

