UBS Digital Lab

Since Spring of 2022, I’ve been working as a Product Designer in the Digital Lab at UBS. The Lab is an internal org which functions much like a design consultancy - we engage various stakeholders, project managers, and product owners at UBS, leading workshops, user-testing, design critiques, and number of other services built to enrich the digital experience for UBS clients.

Due to the non-public nature of the projects I’ve worked on as a designer at UBS, I am unable to share much detail of the specific content of the work I’ve been invested in. I’ve primarily focused on one project, and over the last 6 months, I’ve been co-leading all of the user testing for the prototype for what will, in about 6 months time, be UBS’ next-gen client facing mobile application. I’ve run dozens of research sprints completing user surveys, usability tests, moderated 1:1 user interviews, each of which is synthesized then shared to a panel of stakeholders, designers, product owners, and project managers.


Digitization Proposal