To the left are digital prototypes made in Balsamiq (low fidelity) and InVision (high fidelity) for an application proposed for a Human Computer Interaction course I took at Cornell University. INTERnet was built on the premise of bringing together segregated on-campus communities through the sharing of foreign culture and tradition.

INTERnet jpeg.jpg

Made During Semester-long UI Design Studio

INTERnet was proposed as part of a hands on, semester long assignment for a Human Computer Interaction User Interface seminar. The genesis of our project was based off the need to design an application to bridge the gap that we as students witnessed existed between the international and domestic student bodies at Cornell. The assignment required us to navigate the entire UI design framework journey - beginning with data collection and user interviews, developing user narratives and stories, mapping use cases, prototyping, and presenting a final design.

Final Project Submission

Complete project folder containing assignment descriptions, documentation of 5 part design journey, and final submission.



